Faculty Guide
In 2018, the Faculty Council Communications Committee (FCCC) conducted informal polls with colleagues as well as formal surveys with CU faculty across the four campuses, in an attempt to assist CU Employee Services with pinpointing the best ways to reach faculty about their programs and resources.
Through this outreach, we learned that faculty members already were quite satisfied with communication from Employee Services. What they really needed was an easy way to get answers to so many other questions, from the mundane (booking a room for an official event) to the crucial (finding tenure and promotion tenure criteria).
Over a 24-month process, FCCC scanned the campus and system websites for existing information on a wide range of topics. While much of the information faculty need routinely already exists, it appeared to be scattered across department website pages that may not be easily identified, and the location varies by school, college and campus.
To address this problem, FCCC started exploring the idea of the new Faculty Guide, conceptualized as a one-stop shop for many common resources and information. The guide now hosts links grouped into eight main areas; 1) System Administration and Faculty Governance, 2) External Relations, Communications and Media, 3) Faculty Administrative and IT supports, 4) Human Resources, 5) Research Support, 6) Teaching, 7) Student Resources, and 8) RTP and Sabbaticals.

Check it out, and let us know what you think! Please note that the guide is not a comprehensive collection of all information and policies relevant to faculty, but rather a helpful collection of resources most commonly of interest. Also, please let us know if something is missing or a link is not working by emailing facultycouncil@cu.edu. The FCCC will be auditing the site each year to ensure it is current and accurate.