Section 1: Definitions and Principles

I.A Definitions [Click here to see corresponding section of the Constitution]

I.A.1 General Faculty

I.A.2 Faculty Government

I.A.2.a Faculty Senate

I.A.2.b Faculty Council

I.A.2.c Campus Faculty Senates

I.A.2.d Campus Faculty Assemblies

I.A.2.e Faculties of the Colleges and Schools

I.A.3 Senate Year

I.B Principles of Participation  [Click here to see corresponding section of the Constitution]











I.C Faculty Governance Service

  1. The phrase "appropriate compensation" shall be taken to include stipends, off-loads, release time, or other appropriate means. Funds are sent to the academic department of the Faculty Council member. Awards for Faculty Council service shall be decided by the Faculty Council chair according to merit and budgetary constraints.

I.D Procedures

  1. A motion shall be defined as a formal proposal by a member, in a meeting, that the relevant group take certain action. 
  2. A main motion shall be defined as a motion that brings substantive new business before the Faculty Senate, Faculty Council, or any of their committees. 
  3. A secondary motion shall be defined as a motion that assists the Faculty Senate, Faculty Council, or any of their committees, in the disposition of main motions, or a motion that has to do with special matters of immediate and overriding importance, or a motion that deals with questions of procedure. 
  4. A resolution shall be defined as a main motion that is sufficiently long or complex as to require advanced written preparation.