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CU Boulder Featured at CNSF & NASA Tech Day Events on Capitol Hill
Mark Rentschler and Xinlin Li, from the College of Engineering and Applied Science, and Dan Baker, Director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, represented CU Boulder at the Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) annual exhibition in Washington, DC on May 9. Their participation was supported by CU Boulder’s Research and Innovation Office, as well as the Geological Society of America. While they were in DC, Drs. Rentschler and Li met with Colorado Senator Cory Gardner and staff for Colorado Rep. Jared Polis to discuss their research. Dr. Rentschler also joined fellow researchers from across the country for meetings with professional staff for the House and Senate’s respective science committees, where the importance of NSF-sponsored research, as well as programs to support student research, were both discussed. Also that day, several CU Boulder graduate students participated in NASA’s annual Technology Day on the Hill, which showcases cutting edge space technologies. The students are members of CU Boulder’s Earth Escape Explorer (CU-E3) project. CU-E3 is attempting to launch a CubeSat that can communicate beyond Earth orbit at more than 10 times the distance to the Moon. Senior staff from Colorado’s congressional delegation attended both events.

Mark Rentschler, Senator Cory Gardner, and Xinlin Li in Washington, D.C.
Office of Government Relations

Mark Rentschler, Senator Cory Gardner, and Xinlin Li
Office of Government Relations
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