An Update on Federal Grants from CU Federal Relations and Counsel
Federal Government Transition Update - 2.1.25
An Update on Executive Order FAQs from CU Federal Relations and Counsel
An Update on the Federal Government Transition from CU Federal Relations and Counsel
An Update on the Federal Government Transition from CU Federal Relations and Counsel
An Update on the Federal Government Transition from CU Federal Relations and Counsel
Update on HHS Communications Freeze from CU Anschutz Leadership
An Update on the Federal Government Transition and Executive Orders from CU Federal Relations and Counsel
119th Congress Begins, Updates on Funding and NDAA, ARPA-H Grant, and more.
Post-Election Update, FY25 Congressional Letters, Air Force Lt. Gen. Visit to CU Boulder, LongPath DOE Grant, CU Denver Alum in Congressional Record.
