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CU-Data Supported Web Browsers

CU-Data's Cognos 11 software supports four major web browsers, but not Microsoft Edge.

The supported web browsers are:

  • FireFox
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Safari

Notes for Microsoft Edge users

While Cognos has never supported Microsoft Edge, we found that it did work for m-Fin with Cognos 10.  However, Edge does not work with Cognos 11.  Use Firefox, Chrome, or MSIE 11.

Notes for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 users (MSIE 11)

For MSIE 11, Cognos documentation recommends running with compatibility view turned off.  I have found that it seems to work ok with compatibility view turned on, but since the recommendation is that it be turned off, I leave it turned off.

I have seen one person's workstation where MSIE 11 does not render the Cognos slide-out menus.  If your preferred web browser is MSIE 11 and you are experiencing this problem, please let us know by posting a message on this blog page.

Notes for Chrome users

On my own workstation, Chrome does not render Cognos 11 pdf output.  All other Chrome users that I have interacted with about this, however, have no trouble with pdf.  If your preferred web browser is Chrome and you are experiencing this problem, please let us know by posting a message on this blog page.

Notes for Mac users

For running m-Fin reports, Cognos 11 now supports Safari the same as Firefox.  If you do encounter an issue with Safari, we will ask if you could please test whether the issue also occurs in Firefox, merely because if it does occur in Firefox then it is easier for us to troubleshoot.

For Query Studio, Safari will not work.  Use Firefox.

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