This migration will occur this evening. It includes two new reports and a change to m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL.
Today these m-Fin reports migrate from the Cognos QA environment to Cognos production.
You have billed your granting agency for a part of a Clinical Trial.
If you are one of the handful of people that used the cms “Denver CIW” K Exhibit report, you are invited to test the m-Fin K EXHIBIT report now available in Cognos QA.
Need a reference list of your active speedtypes? Use m-Fin SPEEDTYPE LIST.
Several m-Fin reports have migrated to production.
Drilling on the TOTAL column in m-Fin ACCOUNT RANGE BY FUND runs m-Fin ACCOUNT BY FUND.
Only about twenty people use the cms “Denver” report AD043 – Summary of Balance Sheet Accts.
There are several reports now in Cognos QA for you to test.
A new m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL is now available for you to test in Cognos QA.
