Cognos 10.2.1
Posted on Monday 9 Jun 2014 by Carl
This is not something requiring action from users right now. I just want you to be aware that it is happening.
CU is preparing to upgrade to Cognos 10.2.1 the weekend of July 25, 2014. [22-Jul-2014: The production upgrade is going to occur the evening of July 24th, instead of over the weekend. So the morning of Fri July 25th expect to find the new version running in production.] This is an incremental upgrade from our present version of Cognos, version 10.2.0. For CU, the biggest changes are improvements to back-room technical aspects of Cognos but the following two changes will directly impact end users:
1. New look. Cognos Connection, the part of Cognos that you interact with when you are navigating folders and launching reports, gets a new color scheme and new icons. What buttons do and where they are located will not change. The look of the reports themselves will not change. For example, here is what the pdf icon looks like now, and what it looks like in the new version:

PDF icon 10.2.0 PDF icon 10.2.1
2. The following Finance folder reports will be gone. None of these are m-Fin reports. All m-Fin reports will continue to work. These reports that are going away are old reports in the Finance folder that are so heavily customized that they will no longer work with modern Cognos and must be taken out of service. They have been set to state this obviously in their prompt pages (large red lettering announcing the change):
- Outstanding Encumbrances
- Revenue and Expense Statement Detail
- Revenue and Expense Statement Summary
- Balance Sheet Detail
- Balance Sheet Summary
- Inactive Speedtype Balance
- Journal Entry Incompatible Access
- Resource Balances
- Resource Deficit
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