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Cognos 11.1.7
October 12, 2020 by Sarju Khadka
CU plans to upgrade to Cognos version 11.1.7 in the next few weeks. This version is available to you now for testing in CU-Data QA.
This is an incremental “dot version” upgrade from Cognos 11.1.5 to Cognos 11.1.7. While it may look different, we expect you will be able to continue using m-Fin reports the same. You will notice some minor cosmetic differences, including:
- Updated Folder/Report icons.
- Changes to the “Run in background” user interface, though the options presented are the same.
- A new report scheduling interface. This will not impact your existing scheduled reports.
If you have concerns or questions about this new version, we want to know before the production upgrade—please leave a comment below or send an email!
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