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The m-Fin Brand


m-Fin stands for “management financial.”  m-Fin reports are

  • for internal CU use.
  • Cognos technology.
  • financial data from CU’s Central Information Data Warehouse (CIW).
  • tuned for database efficiency.
  • developed with input from CU administrative financial data users.
  • published and maintained by CU’s Office of University Controller (OUC).

Our ambitious goal for m-Fin reports is that they become good enough that we can transition CU users off of

  • PSLite,
  • FishNet,
  • Denver Data Inquiry web site (aka. Denver Warehouse), and
  • OUC’s previous Cognos financial reports (on-demand and burst).

If you are a loyal user of one of these systems we want to win you over.

- Carl

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