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m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY Improvements
January 11, 2013 by Carl Sorenson
A revised m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY is ready for you to test in Cognos QA [Migrated to production 25 Feb 2013]. If you have windows open to Cognos production you may need to close them for Cognos QA to work.

There are changes to the PDF output, and changes affecting funds 34 and 35.
- Headers reduced for multi-page PDF output. This results in a stronger visual cue for where each new speedtype begins. The full header appears only on the first page of output for a speedtype. A reduced header repeats on any subsequent pages until the next speedtype. m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL has had this feature for a long time. Now it is in m-Fin OPERATING SUMMARY too.
- Account 012701 — AR-CU FOUNDATION excluded from available balance calculation. We are keeping this receivable out of m-Fin’s available balance calculation since it is reflected in the CUF line (CU FOUNDATION AVAILABLE BALANCE) and we don’t want to double count it. This account code typically is used just in Fund 34 and at the end of the Fiscal Year.
- ASSETS OTHER subtotaling added to ASSET AND LIABILITY SUMMARY. This subtotaling appears only if you have an ASSETS OTHER line in the AVAILABLE BALANCE SUMMARY section. Its purpose is to show more clearly which accounts that line includes.
- Fund 35 available balance calculation added for AVAILABLE BALANCE SUMMARY. This fund is new this fiscal year for DENVER | ANSCHUTZ MEDICAL CAMPUS. Now we have an available balance calculation for it in m-Fin reports.
Here is an example showing how the changes affect a fund 34 speedtype:

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