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Do you like m-Fin BAE BY MONTH - SUMMARY report? Want something similar that is specifically for projects?

Try m-Fin PROJECT ACTIVITIES BY MONTH report, available now in CU-Data QA. It’s in the Team Content > Finance > Project Reports subfolder.

This report is not meant for programs; in fact, the report will not render for programs. And, it consolidates subclass. Unlike m-Fin BAE BY MONTH – SUMMARY report, there is one page for each project regardless of how many subclasses there are.

Below are some specifics about the report:

AVAILABLE BALANCE SUMMARY – This section is like the one in m-Fin BAE BY MONTH - SUMMARY report.

ASSETS AND LIABILITIES section – This section is like the one in m-Fin BAE BY MONTH – SUMMARY report except that the user can control whether this section appears on the report or not.

BUDGET, ACTUAL, ENCUMBRANCE (BAE) – This section does not show the individual account codes. Instead, if the account codes are in between ‘400000’ and ‘439999’ then it will display, accttree level05, otherwise, it bottoms out at accttree level06 with accttree level04 subtotals.

SAL, WAGES, AND BEN section – Like assets and liabilities section, this section too can be controlled by the user via a prompt available on the prompt page. This section shows the names of all the people paid by the project.

If no problems are found, the report will migrate to production in a few days.[now in production]

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