m-Fin SPEEDTYPE SUMMARY default period
m-Fin SPEEDTYPE SUMMARY has been changed to default to accounting period 996 for this week and next, same as most other m-Fin reports. It was defaulting to accounting period 12. 996 is the adjustment accounting period that CU is using for activity to be included in second close. You are of course welcome to run the report set to any accounting period you need. We are just changing the default to be what is most commonly run - the current open accounting period.
"If I don't have any 996 activity, do I need to set the prompt back to 12?"
It's ok to set the prompt back to 12 if you have no 996 activity, but it is not necessary. m-Fin SPEEDTYPE SUMMARY runs the fiscal year thru the specified accounting period, so specifying 996 runs 0 thru 996, which includes 12.
Bumper buttons
While I was at it I added what we call the "bumper buttons" for the accounting period prompt. These facilitate changing to nearby periods.

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