Next time you have a ChartField request to process -- Account, SpeedType, Org, Program, Project -- be sure to use the new versions of the forms on the OUC website.
Is it new or improved? Let’s just say the Cash Receipt form that went into effect on Jan 1, 2015, is easier to follow, easier to fill out, and easier to process.
Have you ever followed cost-sharing guidelines in the past, using the Supporting Foundation Reimbursement procedures in the University Accounting Handbook and the MOA and Invoice Template forms on the OUC Forms page? Good news: You no longer need to submit agreements, budgets, and financial statements to the Office of University Controller (OUC).
Instead, you now simply need to obtain the appropriate approval before preparing to cover development-related expenses that will be incurred by non-development staff. At each campus, the Vice Chancellor for Advancement or delegate will be responsible for reviewing the activity/event and providing that approval.