The Gift SpeedType Setup procedures were recently revised to reflect an enhancement in the training assurance process. If you work with gift monies, you already know that responsible individuals must be identified for every gift via the assignment of fiscal roles in the Finance System. You also know that all individuals with fiscal roles on Gift (Fund 34) SpeedTypes are required to complete gift fund management training.
The Office of University Controller recently presented Town Hall sessions to share accomplishments and initiatives with campus staff and hear their thoughts and questions.
The Finance & Procurement Business Services staff has recently revamped both online and in-person training for CU Marketplace and Concur Travel & Expense. The new training program draws its inspiration and format from extensive research on the flipped-classroom approach to learning. Employees and affiliate fiscal staff will now be introduced to procurement systems and procedures via online courses in SkillSoft. If training is required for system access (as in the Marketplace), the SkillSoft courses fulfill this requirement.
We’re pleased to announce that the recent round of fundraising event training and issues forums were well attended and well received. We’ll publish session handouts on the OUC website soon. In the meantime, stay up to date on this topic by bookmarking our Fundraising Event Compliance page at
You can sign up now for OUC-sponsored Fundraising Event Training. Learn all about policies/procedures, responsibilities of org units and campus/System controllers’ offices, and compliance issues relating to sales tax, gift tax receipting, and sponsorships. Also look for the additional Issues Forums at some campuses.
