Elevate: FIN Upgrade – What’s Happening? A Recap through 1/8/15
A lot has happened with the FIN Upgrade during the last month! We want to fill you in on some details, thank you for your involvement, and encourage you to stay with us as we move into the next phase of the Elevate: FIN Upgrade.
Recent recap:
- Continued (and still continuing!) with our Deep Dive sessions. These have proven to be invaluable in terms of providing you opportunities to work in the new environment … and providing us with your requirements and feedback.
Shared our FIN 9.2 Upgrade Program Calendar. Look for this high-level timeline on our website https://www.cu.edu/controller/elevate. In particular, note the testing and training phases. That’s when we’ll be reaching out to you, the campuses, for help and knowledge transfer as we (and you, if you want to join us!) test real-life scenarios.
Worked on data conversion and validation. There’s a lot of information we’ll be moving from the current Finance System into the new FIN 9.2 environment, and some of it may impact shadow systems used in your department. If you or your colleagues rely on offline (shadow) systems to accomplish data inquiry or other activities, please use the feedback form discussed below to tell us about it! We don’t want your work interrupted when we go live in November 2015!
Continued campus discussions on departments’ current use of PeopleSoft Finance. We want to do everything we can to ensure the FIN 9.2 features and functionality enhance your business processes.
Collected pain points for both PET (Payroll Expense Transfer) and Reorg processing. We’ll use your comments and suggestions to determine the best approach and process moving forward.
As always, let us know what you think: use our convenient online feedback form.
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The FinPro Help Desk is tweeting about Elevate: FIN. Follow them at https://twitter.com/FinProHelp
Visit the Website
Learn about the upcoming Finance System upgrade. Visit the Elevate: FIN Upgrade website.
Give Us Feedback
Help us improve your business processes as we upgrade our PeopleSoft Finance System. Give us some feedback.
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