Elevate: FIN Upgrade - New Video Demonstrates Worklist
Your Worklist is a helpful new feature in FIN 9.2.
Get a quick overview of your Worklist and how to use it in our new video, FIN 9.2 How-To: Worklist.
Your Worklist keeps track of items awaiting your review and approval.
In FIN 8.4, how do you find out you have a journal to approve? The journal creator emails you ... calls you ... or stops by to see you ... and tells you the journal ID.
FIN 9.2 is different. When an individual submits a journal that requires your approval, the Finance System sends you an email with a link. Click the link - go to the journal.
Deleted your email message? That's OK - just log in to FIN 9.2 and click on your Worklist. Now you can see a list of all the journals awaiting your approval. Click on a link and go directly to that journal.
Questions? Visit the recently updated Elevate:FIN Upgrade website. Or contact the Finance & Procurement Help Desk at FinProHelp@cu.edu or 303.837.2161.
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Learn about the upcoming Finance System upgrade. Visit the Elevate: FIN Upgrade website.
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