Color is an important part of our visual system. Specific signature colors are combined to create a unique signature for each University of Colorado campus.
To maintain consistency in our visual identity system, it is essential to reproduce our colors accurately. Always follow the CMYK, RGB and web/hex values shown on this page.
Other colors can be used in CU communications as accents in support of the primary color palette. However, all communications should feature the colors specified on this page to ensure consistency and promote the CU visual identity.
Secondary colors
Units are encouraged to be creative with CU’s official color palette (gold, black, dark gray, light gray). It should be the dominant in all applications, but units can work with campus marketing/communications offices to explore varying shades, gradient, texture and depth of the CU color palette.
The subtle use of secondary colors in digital and print publications is acceptable within limits. Units should avoid the prominent use of colors that are closely associated with other universities (eg. Green – Colorado State University; red – University of Nebraska). This does not mean those colors cannot be used, only that they should not be the dominant color.
Additional details are available in the brand identity standards for each campus.
CU Gold
C0 M10 Y48 K22
(or PANTONE® 4525 C)
R207 G184 B124
C0 M0 Y0 K100
R0 G0 B0
CU Dark Gray
C38 M28 Y21 K63
(or PANTONE 425 C)
R86 G90 B92
CU Light Gray
C16 M11 Y11 K29(or
R162 G164 B163