Typography is an essential part of our personality. It helps unify our materials and promotes familiarity with our messaging.
Our typeface is Helvetica Neue, a classic sans serif face: simple, modern and elegant. The openness and geometry of its form make it highly legible. It works equally well for display type and body copy.
Helvetica Neue is recommended for use as the featured typeface in all University of Colorado communications.
Alternative fonts
In the absence of Helvetica Neue, the Arial or basic Helvetica type family are acceptable substitutes in most applications, with the Arial type family being the preferred alternative. For web design, Arial is also the preferred alternative when designing web pages and other electronic communications. Under no circumstances should any alternative fonts be used to create official CU logo lockups.
Font package
There are a limited number of Helvetica Neue font packages available for individuals or departments who develop a significant amount of marketing materials, publications, business collateral, etc. To request a font package for a system department please contact Elizabeth Collins at elizabeth.collins@cu.edu. All campus requests should go through the campus managers. Font packages can be purchased at www.Linotype.com.
Additional details are available in the brand identity standards for each campus.