Used to report cash-like (e.g., gift cards) and non-cash awards, rewards, prizes, or other distributions. This form - when used for employee reporting - is under review and redesign, to be effective later this fiscal year.

Download: Recognition Reporting (RR) Form


Effective Date: 05/01/2024 (Updated submit-to email addresses, revised to show OUC branding.)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who needs to sign this form?
A: Someone in a position of authority for your department needs to provide the Organizational Unit Authorizing Signature; this might be the head of your department or other person.

Q: Why/when do I need to fill out this form?
A: The RR form is used to help determine potential tax reporting obligations. When the University provides a cash-like (e.g., gift card) or non-cash item to an employee or non-employee, the value of this item may need to be included in W-2 or 1099 reporting. The procedures referenced under resources, below, outline these requirements.

Q: Where do I send this form?
A: Where you submit the RR form depends on who is the recipient of the cash-like or non-cash distribution. To report items provided to employees, submit the form to Employee Services. To report items provided to non-employees, submit the form to the Procurement Service Center.

Q: Are there related resources on how/when to use this form?
A: Yes! See the Finance Procedural Statement Recognition & Training.

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