Team Information
Joseph Dutton, Grounds & Nursery 1
University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
We added a mulch kit, which includes baffles, mulching blades, and a mulch plug, to our Bobcat mowers. The kit allows the mower to pick up grass clippings and leaves, and mulches the material finely. In doing so, the decomposition process progresses more quickly and allows soil to easily absorb the nutrients. It also reduces yard waste. The kit is used during normal mowing season.
How does this benefit the University?
Using the mulch kit benefits the university both fiscally and environmentally by:
- Reducing organic yard waste – material that was formerly transported to our organic waste dump is now used as natural fertilizer.
- Restoring the natural nutrients found in grass and leaves back into the soil reduces the need for fertilizer use. Mulched clippings and leaves also help the ground hold moisture longer.
- Cutting down on thatch and the need to use gasoline blowers to disperse clumps. Mowing without a mulch kit causes wind rows to form, creating additional cleanup.
- Reducing haul-off of waste material, which results in savings on transportation and labor, and reduces wear on equipment.
- Freeing time for landscape maintenance personnel to work on other projects, which ultimately reduces overall labor costs, and makes us more effective at our assignments and tasks.
The startup cost for the kits was covered by the Green Action Fund grant.
Implementation/Future Plans
Spring of 2018-Current
The mulch kit is very durable and won't wear down easily, so now that it is installed, we will continue mulching operations seasonally. Our newer equipment purchases also include the mulch kits.