Submitted By
Beth Kroger,, JILA Chief of Operations
Project Team
Diane Przygocki,, JILA Finance Manager
Project Description
Diane has designed and delivered a highly interactive and fun training session for graduate students involved in research to acquaint them with the basic concepts of research regulation such as research justification and project benefit. This training helps our students to gain a basic understanding of common pitfalls and issues up front and before they actually occur.
Project Efficiency
Focus training early in the careers of future scientists and PIs to enhance and improve compliance. This helps CU turn out professional and well-trained PIs/Scientists. Improve documentation and reduce related audit risk as to the allocability, allowability and reasonableness of research expenditures. Promote an understanding of the regulatory environment in which research must effectively operate. Highlight expenditures that are often scrutinized closely by agencies and auditors.
Project Inspiration
1. To improve and broaden the training of JILA's postdocs and graduate students beyond research skills to extend to skills they will need as future PIs.
2. To improve documentation and reduce audit risk for research expenditures.
Future Plans
We will continue to offer this training and will expand this program by developing an additional training for postdocs who are closer to running their own labs and research program. It is currently specific to JILA, but could be used as a template for similar training across other departments/research institutes.
What Makes You Happiest about this Project?
We are all part of the research enterprise necessary to fuel CU's leadership in research; and strengthening the collaboration and partnership between staff members and faculty and students is a huge win for all!