The OUC’s FPBS Media team works on creative solutions to the communication challenges of a noisy world by embracing design as a rigorous creative process.

Design is more than picking out colors and decorating. It’s working to deeply understand the needs of users with problem solving. This isn’t prescriptive: we are always exploring new formats and techniques for reaching our audiences more effectively.

In FY 2016, FPBS Media began embracing these new formats and refined techniques to take our communications to a new level.

“Design is really an act of communication, which means having a deep understanding of the person with whom the designer is communicating.”

― Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things

Motion Graphics

Animation allows us to combine color, composition, pacing and sound design to tell a story or visualize data. The result is media that has a greater impact on our audience. FPBS Media has used motion graphics effectively to lead change and manage expectations, as seen in the FPBS examples, below.

Key benefits of Motion Graphics

  • Bring messages to life with vibrant animation
  • Clarify complex concepts visually
  • Command a wider attention of the audience.



Learning resources benefit immensely from thoughtful design. With a screencasting tool like ScreenFlow, even simple “How-To” videos of the Finance System (FIN) come to life with dynamic zooms, highlights, and transitions. CU’s FIN users prefer screencasts to traditional PDF guides when they want to learn how to do something.

Key benefits of Screencasts

  • Show, not just tell, when demonstrating concepts and processes
  • Clarify finer details of a process or concept with using zooms, crops and highlights
  • Fast to create & easy to share, embed, email, link to



Webinars are a powerful format for reaching a bigger audience in a more flexible way. For FBPS webinars, we strive to ensure they aren’t just good presentations, but that they are interactive and polished online events. FPBS Media surveys webinar-watchers: our webinars are consistently rated as “better than other webinars.”

Key benefits of Webinars

  • Attend from anywhere- no room scheduling or capacity concerns
  • Interactive tools like polls, Q&A, chat
  • Record and share archives
  • Post-production: edit and repurpose recordings for other media uses

Examples of FPBS Webinars


FPBS Media Lab

We are constantly exploring innovative ways to communicate more effectively. Like implementing H5P content in our CU System website so we can interact with users in a new type of online instruction.

Interactive H5P Examples