A recent submission to the CU Shared Practices (CUSP) Program describes how the UCCS Office of Institutional Research uses their experience – and a subscription to the Qualtrics online survey program – to design and administer surveys for other campus offices. The results are efficiencies in time and money, increased compliance with FERPA and IRB requirements, and enhanced data-driven decision-making,
During the past few years, the Office has conducted over 100 surveys involving 16,000 respondents. Conservative estimates of cost savings for the University as a whole range $80,000 – $250,000. Services delivered range from Faculty Assembly elections and administrator performance evaluations to exit surveys for departing employees and mandatory VETS 100 reports about employment of military veterans.
For more information about the Shared Survey Design Service (and the CUSP Program in general), see www.cu.edu/controller/initiatives/cusp/?p=447.