With many competing demands at this time of year, we offered just a single day of continuing professional education (CPE) for CPAs (and other employees) on Mon, June 4, presenting:
- GASB Review
- GASB Update
- Topics in Effective Writing
All attendees have received their certificates of completion and links to access their course materials online.
With class sizes of up to 20 participants, and with 3 courses providing up to a total of 7 credits, the amount of CPE credits just completed would conservatively be worth $5,625. (This calculation is based on an average cost of $45 per credit hour for in-person CPE in the Denver area.)
Participants continue to rate the classes as highly relevant and the instructors as highly effective … and they continue to offer us excellent suggestions for possible future courses. One frequent suggestion we’re pursuing: Time Management.
We’re currently working on our new topics and courses for FY 2013 – we’ll share the September schedule later this summer. In the meantime, be sure to sign up to receive the CPE blog posts – and don’t forget to leave a comment when you read them. We love to hear from you!