Holiday Closure
The OUC (including FSS Help), along with other CU System Administration offices, will be closed from
Monday, December 23, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
We will reopen for normal business hours on Thursday, January 2.
The OUC (including FSS Help), along with other CU System Administration offices, will be closed from
Monday, December 23, 2024, through Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
We will reopen for normal business hours on Thursday, January 2.
February 8, 2023
With the revised Business Expense Substantiation & Tax Implications procedures taking effect last month, the top questions to the OUC's Financial Services & Solutions (FSS Help) team are: how has the business expense substantiation process changed, and how can an employee request an exception to a notice of taxable expenses.
Recap of process
According to the University's accountable plan, the University must report as taxable income business expenses incurred by an employee if they have not been substantiated within 90 days of the transaction date or within 90 days of the trip end date. An expense is substantiated when it has been reconciled, documented, excess funds returned to CU if applicable, and submitted on an expense report in Concur.
If an expense is not substantiated/submitted within the required time frame, the amount of the expense will be reported as taxable income on the employee’s pay advice and on the IRS Form W-2. As applicable, Concur automatically emails a Taxable Expenses Notification to the employee, when the expense report is fully approved and paid.
The procedures include information regarding an exception process.
We encourage all employees to review the new Finance Procedural Statement Business Expense Substantiation & Tax Implications and then take the self-assessment (quiz) on that page.
Questions? Use the feedback form at the bottom of the procedural statement webpage.
1800 Grant Street, Suite 200 | Denver, CO 80203 | Campus Box: 436 UCA
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