March 24, 2025

At Anschutz Medical Campus, the Clinical Translational Research Center (CTRC) launches hundreds of study startups every year, tracking protocol readiness and coordinating document versioning and communication across multiple teams.

The new Study Startup Dashboard was designed to enhance the overall business process (facilitate template use/guidance, manage document version control, and coordinate targeted email alerts across multiple CTRC cores) by a dedicated team composed of Archana Mande, Janine Higgins, Thomas Yaeger, Pam Allen, and Rebecca Baldermann.

The Dashboard utilizes Microsoft Power Apps and SharePoint to facilitate integrated, real-time progress at every study startup step, allowing multiple workflows to occur concurrently. Since the Dashboard’s release in December 2024, the time to finalize nursing orders has been more than halved, significantly enhancing efficiency and saving thousands of dollars in reduced startup time. Other important efficiencies include improved teamwork and collaboration, user satisfaction, regulatory compliance, and patient safety.

In addition, the project has fostered unexpected connections between CTRC cores, users, and pharmacy teams at multiple institutions. The dashboard can be adapted to any environment where multiple teams need to collaborate on processes and track real-time status, making this a highly versatile solution to a number of problems.

Read all about it here: Clinical Research Study Startup Dashboard.

Find out more about this and other innovations on the CU I&E Awards Program website: Check out CU I&E Current Submissions.

Don't forget to share your own innovations! This year's Awards Program will be accepting submissions through end of day, Monday, March 31, 2025.