What type of reports can be created using Query Studio?

Query Studio offers several different types of reports, including List Reports, Grouped List Reports, and Crosstab Reports.

List Reports

List Reports are created to show columns of information, with data only summarized on one criterion (if applicable). Examples of List Reports would be:

  • Listing of all SpeedTypes for an Organization.
  • Listing of all employees with a fiscal role for an Organization.

Grouped List Reports

Grouped List Reports are created to sort the data and suppresses duplicate values in a list report. An example of a Group List Report would be:

  • Listing of all SpeedTypes and budget amounts by budget category for an Organization, grouped and summarized by SpeedType.

Crosstab Reports

Crosstab Reports are created to show a measure at the intersection of each row and column. For example, if a report shows budget category as columns, department as rows, and amount as the measure, the value at the intersection of each column and row will show be the budget, for that budget category, for that department.


Budget Continuing Budget Temporary Budget Total Budget
Department A 10 5 15
Department B 20 15 35