This constitution provides a system for participation of faculty in the governance of the university as specified in the Laws of the Regents of the University of Colorado, which enumerate the rights, privileges and responsibilities of the faculty, including preservation of academic freedom. Participation occurs through faculty organizations at the university level (Articles II-III), at the campus level (Article IV) and at the college and school level (Article V).
The faculty and administration derive authority and responsibility from the Board of Regents. The variety and complexity of university governance involves collaborative relationships among the regents, the president, administrators, faculty, staff and students. The principles underlying this collaboration are enumerated in Article I.B. Procedural aspects of these principles are enumerated in the associated Bylaws of the Faculty Senate of the University of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as "the Bylaws").
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Article I: Definitions and Principles
- Definitions
- Principles of Participation
- Faculty Governance Service
- Procedures
Article II: The Faculty Senate
- Membership and Organization
- Meetings and Quorum
- Functions
- Faculty Senate Standing Committee(s)
- Membership and Organization
- Meetings, Quorum and Attendance
- Elections
- Functions
- Jurisdiction
- Joint Responsibility with System Administration
- Faculty Council Committees
Article IV: Campus Faculty Government
- Campus Constitution
- Campus Faculty Assembly
Article V: Powers and Responsibilities of the Faculties of the Colleges and Schools
- College and School Governance
- Academic and Scholastic Responsibilities
- Participation with the Administration of the College or School
Article VI: Resolution of Jurisdictional Disputes
- Campus Assembly vs. Faculty Council
- Campus Governance Body vs. Campus Academic Unit
- Disputes over Formation of Conference Committees
- Disputes over Administrative Decisions
Article VII: Procedural Standards
Article VIII: Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
Article IX: Adoption and Enablement
[1] Supersedes: Constitution of the Faculty of the University of Colorado (1992 & 1994) and Rules of the Faculty Senate (1988 & previous editions)