The University of Colorado’s classified staff are covered by the state employees’ union — COWINS. Find out what that means for you and your classified employees.

The Colorado Workers for Innovative and New Solutions, or COWINS, is a union that represents all covered, classified employees for the State of Colorado. The WINS union’s authority to negotiate on behalf of all covered, classified state employees was established in the 2020 Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs & Services Act. The duties and limits of this union representation is outlined in greater detail in the Partnership Agreement.

Generally, covered employees are employees in the state personnel system, also known as classified employees. There are exceptions, including confidential employees, managerial employees, executive employees, administrative law judges, hearing officers, state troopers, legislative branch employees, and temporary employees.

COWINS Stewards

Instructions are available to track and pay COWINS stewards completing work on behalf of the union.

These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been developed to assist supervisors and HR professionals with questions they may have pertaining to the Act and Agreement. They have been updated following the ratification and signing of the Agreement. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Does COWINS have the right to participate in New Employee Orientations?

What will be provided to covered employees during NEO?

What is the university required to do as it relates to NEOs?

Can a covered employee present the COWINS NEO information?

Will COWINS be given personal contact information on covered employees?

How does an employee request the University to refrain from sharing any personal information with COWINS?

Should employees be directed to visit Employee Self Service (ESS) to opt-out of the State sharing any personal information with COWINS?

Is COWINS permitted to call employees or visit them at their personal residence?

How was it determined which employees were designated as covered?

May non-covered employees choose to have payroll deductions go to COWINS?


How will the Act affect the relationship between covered employees and management?

What rights will the university continue to have regarding operations?

Under the Act, does COWINS play a new role representing or speaking on behalf of employees in day-to-day workplace concerns and grievances?

Does COWINS need to be notified of any corrective actions?

How should violations of the Act’s neutrality clause relating to COWINS be reported?

What are the consequences of violating neutrality requirements concerning COWINS?


Should COWINS be provided access to meeting and bulletin board spaces?


What activities is the state, including the university, prohibited from doing as it relates to the Act?

What happens if the state, including the university, engages in any prohibited activities?


May employees use their work emails to send COWINS information?

May an employee wear a pro- or anti- COWINS button or hat in the workplace?

May an employee distribute or post COWINS literature?

May employees participate in COWINS activities during work time?

Is the union allowed to talk to employees while they are at work?

What is protected concerted union activity?