Practice makes perfect for HCM users

As an HCM user, you've had to take a number of required courses to get the hang of navigating the system. Sharpen your skills and take your training to the next level with practice exercises and optional courses. 

These voluntary training courses offer a step-by-step approach to everyday HCM processes and tasks. Courses that are successfully completed are recorded as complete in HCM.

Featured Course: HCM Hiring Employees

 Duration: 30 minutes

Description: This course is for HCM users who hire employees, rehire former employees and assign additional jobs to active employees. During this course, practice creating a hire transaction and checking its status with simulations.

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Step-by-Step: Hiring an Employee




HCM Fundamentals

 Duration: 20 minutes

Description: This course is for new HCM users and covers the basic concepts of PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM). Learn what HCM is, how it integrates with other systems, navigation and other important information you'll need to know when beginning to use the system.

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Step-by-Step: Getting Started with HCM
Step-by-Step: Running Queries




HCM Paying People

 Duration: 45 minutes

Description: This course is for HR and HCM Department users who enter transactions that affect jobs and pay. Learn the concepts of pay data used in HCM, including pay groups and pay cycles, contracts, payment types, payroll expense transfers and personnel effort reports.

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 Step-by-Step: Working with Contracts
 Step-by-Step: Making a Pay Rate Change




HCM Updating Data

 Duration: One hour

Description: This course is for anyone who uses HCM to update job data: Entering transfers, promotions or terminations. Learn about tasks associated with managing employee data in HCM, including personal data, persons of interest (POIs) and different personnel actions associated with the life cycle of an employee.

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Web Resource: Recruit and Hire 




Recruiting with CU Careers

 Duration: One hour

Description: This course is required for all new HCM and CU Careers users before they gain access to the systems. Learn about concepts, tools and features of the online applicant tracking system CU Careers, which is used by the University of Colorado to recruit employees.

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 Web Resource: Recruit and Hire 




My Leave for Supervisors

 Duration: 30 minutes

Description: This course is for supervisors with employees using the online time entry system My Leave. Learn how to review submitted time before approving it. After completing this course, supervisors will understand how to read and approve submitted time, timesheets, and leave requests correctly.

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Online simulations provide the opportunity to engage hands-on in a controlled environment. 

Please note: Some of these trainings contain optional assessments to measure how well you remembered tasks you practiced, but your score is not recorded.  

HCM Hire/Rehire Practice

Payroll Expense Transfer (PET)

HCM Termination Practice