We focus on a broad set of governance, financial, operational and compliance risks, including IT systems and processes and information security, supporting CU’s four strategic pillars: Affordability & Student Success; Discovery & Impact; Diversity, Inclusion, Equity & Access; and Fiscal Strength.
Learn more about our audit process

We support our stakeholders in establishing best practices and internal controls, identifying and mitigating risks throughout the project lifecycle (e.g., participating in steering committees, reviewing process and control design, raising awareness and facilitating conversations about risk and opportunities in system implementations), and provide perspective on sufficiency of policies and procedures for compliance with relevant regulations.

We enable the university’s confidential ethics and misconduct reporting process by serving as the CU EthicsLine administrator. We evaluate and thoroughly investigate, in a timely manner, reports of alleged employee fraud and fiscal misconduct, which we receive through various sources: CU EthicsLine, phone, email, or in-person. As requested, we provide investigative support to other university departments and to the Office of University Counsel during litigation of related cases.
Learn more about our investigation process

We collaborate with our stakeholders and other university assurance and compliance functions to deliver insight into establishing and maintaining an effective control environment, regulatory compliance, and fraud prevention and detection. We regularly present at meetings of university shared governance and administrative groups, at campus events, and at local and national professional conferences.
Interested in learning more about establishing effective internal controls,
fraud prevention and detection, or current regulatory compliance topics?