May 13, 2013

New CUSP Submission Documents Better Financial Management through Portal Zones

On the Boulder Campus, budget and IT staff from the College of Arts & Sciences collaborated to create zones in the A&S portal for 5 of the College’s major financial commitments: Faculty Retentions, Faculty Start-ups, Recruitment, Equipment Matching, and Library. The zones are applications that leverage technology to optimize work operations. Critical agreements are no longer paper documents, hidden in cabinets in various offices across the campus; instead, they are now electronic files … readily accessible, easy to search, and capable of being linked to budget or cash transfers.

Each portal zone uses a dashboard to efficiently identify commitments that are completed, coming up, or overdue … and to link each agreement with supporting documentation in the Finance System. The result is a streamlined and transparent system, even for complex multi-year agreements, that has transformed operations and significantly improved financial reporting. To learn about these and other benefits of the A&S portal zones, check out the submission on the CUSP (CU Shared Practices) website: