When the University of Colorado-Boulder College of Arts & Sciences decided to migrate departments supported by Financial Service Centers (FSCs) to the newly introduced MyLeave time collection solution, the FSC recognized that quality training for employees charged with this function was vital to a successful implementation. Unfortunately, the first major training session was disrupted when the MyCU info website went down, resulting in hours of preparation/participation time being lost or poorly utilized.
Looking for a better training plan, the FSC considered the sheer number of users of YouTube and the fact that many of these users are in the target age range of the FSC’s numerous student employees. The result: the FSC developed an instructional video on YouTube that can be accessed from any computer 24/7 and that can be viewed on-screen thus allowing a student to learn and follow instructions simultaneously. Read about the implementation and positive results at www.cu.edu/controller/initiatives/cusp/?p=436.