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TaskRay | Success Community and CU Interview

The SET team has been utilizing TaskRay for a couple of months now. This tool, having robust functionality and user-friendly design, also provides additional resources for user success. In addition to FAQ documentation, TaskRay has a user success community. Beyond that, CU was recently interviewed by TaskRay to talk about how TaskRay has bolstered operations within Salesforce at CU. 

TaskRay Community:

 | Cusomer Success Community

To join the success group:

  • Log into Salesforce and navigate to this link 
  • Select "Join" at the top right of the page
  • Review posts and jump into the community dialogue

Agile Dev:

 | Interview with Kyle Kirves

Interview overview:

  • Kyle is the Program & Projects Manager, CRM, CU Boulder
  • Feature focus
  • How TaskRay has improved our operations


Questions? Send Kate an email.