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February 4, 2013 by Carl Sorenson
Responsible for maintaining fiscal role assignments? Try m-Fin FISCAL ROLES. It’s a new alternative to old Cognos Look Ups > Fiscal Roles Look Up report. Here is what the m-Fin report has that the old report does not:
- SPD FSTAFF ROLE CODE. This is the A, R, or B indicator on speedtype fiscal staff (Approver, Reviewer, Both).
- Fiscal role selection. Only interested in certain fiscal roles? Pick the ones you want.
- Project accountant. This is not a full-fledged fiscal role but is similarly maintained, so m-Fin includes it.
- Orgnode fiscal roles.
- Page by fiscal role. Each fiscal role gets its own worksheet tab when viewed in MSExcel 2007 or 2002 format.
- Run for multiple orgs.
- Run for orgnode.
- Run for position number.
This report is available now for you to try in Cognos QA, in the Look Ups subfolder. [15 Feb 2013 migrated to production.] If you have other windows open to Cognos production you may need to close them.
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