Mikayla Greenfield - Administrative Assistant II and Chavon Harrell - Administrative Assistant I with the help of Gary Reynolds - Retired Associate Vice Chancellor of Campus Planning and Facilities Management at UCCS Facilities Services.
Work with Colorado Springs Utilities to have all 75 Monthly Utility bills moved to a paperless/e-billing system and created the import spreadsheet for EnergyCAP systems which is required by the state for reporting energy usage. The import spreadsheet will be implemented by Colorado Springs Utilities for ALL city entities that are required to report utility usage for multiple buildings. This has made a 3 work day process turn into a half hour process and has helped with the campus sustainability goals of paperless processing.
The Utility Bill process on average required 48 business hours to sort, pay, and track usage data on each bill for 75 bills. The new process has turned a week long process into a half hour to an hour process. Saving a lot of time and making work more efficient for the administrative team.
This tool has been implemented in the Facilities Services Department for UCCS and the import sheet created by the administrative team is being implemented by Colorado Springs Utilities for Colorado Springs School District 11 and 20 as well as Colorado College and any other entities required to report utility usage for multiple buildings to the state.
This process was implemented August 2017 - October 2017
Submitter's Information
Submitter's Name: Mikayla Greenfield
Submitter's Email: mgreenfi@uccs.edu