Team Information
Amandine Habben, Program Assistant II - Student Life
University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Amandine has been a leader in establishing a Student Life International Travel process for student clubs and organizations. Prior to Amandine's taking on the project, clubs would bounce between International Affairs and Student Life, often missing key parts of planning and duplicating other efforts (such as signing waivers). The result of Amandine's work is a streamlined international travel process for student clubs that integrates processes from both departments. The following is a brief description of how the process works:
- Student group submits the International Student Travel Application
- Student group secures funding
- Representatives from Student Life, International Affairs, and the Dean of Students office meet with student trip leaders to discuss trip details.
- Student group is approved to spend money
- All students traveling attend a pre-trip meeting. Representatives from Student Life, International Affairs, and Dean of Students office provide detailed instructions, compliance information, and pertinent resources.
- Student group travels.
- Student Life and International Affairs meet with the student leaders to debrief the experience.
How does this benefit the University?
International travel is essential to creating a world class university, but also risky. This streamlined process does a great job of balancing the needs of students with our need to comply with law and policy, resulting in better planned, safer, and more rewarding experiences for student clubs traveling internationally.
Implementation/Future Plans
Amandine (and a team of folks that are no longer at UCCS) began their review of existing processes in the summer of 2017. The first real implementation of the process took place in fall of 2018. There are no plans to expand the process outside of Student Life at this time, though we are interested in assessing the club advisor's role as we review for continuous improvement.