Two more data elements have been added to the EXTRAS prompt in m-Fin SPEEDTYPE SUMMARY: PROJ ID and PROJ SPONSOR AWARD CODE. This change is available to you now for testing in Cognos QA.
[18-Jun-2013: This is in production now.]
If you run this report to a MSExcel 2007 output format you will get RSV-SRV-0040 The report server encountered an internal error. This is a known problem with this report that we have not yet solved. As a work-around, please use the non-2007 MSExcel output formats.
If you use the Top or Page up links in the HTML output you will get RQP-DEF-0371 Operation unsupported in forward only cursor mode was used. This also is a known problem with this report that we have not yet solved. As a work-around, use the blue sideways triangle run button above the m-Fin logo, or use an output format other than HTML.