This weekend, Feb 8-10, 2013, we are upgrading CU to Cognos version 10.2. This was originally to occur a few months ago, but was delayed due to problems found in testing that now have been resolved. This new version of Cognos gets us
- Google Chrome support
- { drill error fix
- Direct login to Cognos (If your session times out you can log right back in and resume what you were doing. It used to work this way and now it will again.)
This is an incremental “dot version” upgrade from Cognos 10.1 to Cognos 10.2. You will notice some differences but they are minor and are not the kind of change that requires training. We expect that you will be able to continue using m-Fin reports the same way as you do now. Any content saved in your Cognos “my folders” will remain in place and continue to work.