August 17, 2011

New m-Fin Reports Arrive In Production Today

Six m-Fin reports migrated to CU’s production Cognos system today.


  1. m-Fin ACCOUNT RANGE BY FUND New. A great way to highly summarize Assets, Liabilities, Revenues, Expenditures, and Transfers for sets of speedtypes or a department when there are different funds. You pick which funds go into up to five columns.
  2. m-Fin REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Select by Orgnode. Option to show prior fy actuals.
  3. m-Fin REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE TOTAL New. Pages by fund instead of paging by speedtype/fopps.
  4. m-Fin TRIAL BALANCE SUMMARY More drill enabled amounts.
  5. m-Fin COMPENSATION SUMMARY New. Similar to the last page of m-Fin PAYROLL TRANSACTIONS report. No detail.
  6. m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL Just a minor fix to correct the date formatting in the special subtotals that appear for travel.