Monday April 25, 2011 CU will be running Cognos 10. Some button images are different, and some buttons are re-arranged, but things remain located in same vicinity in the windows as before. So when this day comes you will notice the change, but it will not be something that requires training.
All m-Fin reports will continue to work the same.
Other On-Demand
These are the non-m-Fin reports in the Finance and ePers folders. While the main focus of the OUC is m-Fin, we are bringing these other reports along until they can be decommissioned. All of them need modification to work under Cognos 10. Some require significant modifications, including changes in functionality – work we are still completing.
Report | Cognos 10 Status |
Outstanding Encumbrances | OK. |
Financial Summary | NEEDS REPAIR. I expect we can get this to run by Org|OrgNode in Cognos 10, but not the other ways. |
Revenue and Expense Statement Detail | OK, but because this report eventually will be retired, please try m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL. |
Revenue and Expense Statement Summary | OK, but because this report eventually will be retired, please try m-Fin REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY. |
Balance Sheet Detail | OK, but because this report eventually will be retired, please try m-Fin FINANCIAL DETAIL. |
Balance Sheet Summary | OK, but because this report eventually will be retired, please try m-Fin BALANCE SHEET SUMMARY. |
Collated Main 5 | NEEDS REPAIR – We are investigating. |
Expense System Reconcilation to Finance System | OK. |
Inactive Speedtype Balance | OK. |
Journal Entry | NEEDS REPAIR – We are investigating. |
Journal Entry Incompatible Access | NEEDS REPAIR – We are investigating. 21apr2011 – fixed, OK. |
Resource Balances | NEEDS REPAIR – We are investigating. Low priority – perhaps discontinue. |
Resource Deficit | NEEDS REPAIR – We are investigating. Low priority – perhaps discontinue. |
Revenue Summary | NEEDS REPAIR – We are investigating. Low priority – perhaps discontinue. |
Trial Balance | 20apr2011 NEEDS REPAIR – discontinue. We will not bring this report to the new Cognos 10. Please run the m-Fin TRIAL BALANCE SUMMARY instead. |
ePERS Summary by Org | OK. |
ePERS Summary by PI | OK. |
Overcommitted Cost Share | OK. |
Uncertified ePERS by Org or Campus | OK. |
Lookup Reports | OK. |
The large month-end report bursting (the reports that show up in the portal Reports tab) will continue to be produced using the old Cognos, rather than Cognos 10, through the end of the Fiscal Year.