If you know a check/warrant number, you can look up information about that check, including whether it has been cashed and where it was sent.
Read the procedures
- Log into the Finance System.
- From the Finance Inquiry homepage, click on the Payment Inquiry tile.
- On the Payment Inquiry page: Enter the check number in the “From Ref ID” field.
- Click “Search.”
- Scroll down the Payment Inquiry Result section. This section shows the amount and reconciliation status.
- If the check has not been cashed, the Reconciliation Status will show as Unreconciled.
- If the check has been cashed, the Reconciliation Status will show as Reconciled and include the date it was cashed (Reconciliation Date).
- For more details about the check, including the Issue Date (Accounting Date), Invoice #, and Voucher #, click on the Payment Reference ID value.
- To see the Supplier ID #, click on the Voucher ID value.
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