To access all of the sessions please visit our Virtual Attendee Hub. Must be registered.
Student leadership discussion with Congressman Neguse
Description: Congressman Neguse will host a conversation with student leaders to address the power of student advocacy in shaping policy on today’s most pressing higher education issues. COLTT attendees are invited to participate in a moderated chat during the panel as Rep. Neguse and the students identify issues, discuss how to effect change in the classroom and the state Capitol, and strategize how to represent student voices within their own institutions and state-wide.
Bio: Congressman Joe Neguse was elected to the 2nd District U.S. House of Representatives in 2018 as the first African-American member of Congress in Colorado history. He is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, House Natural Resources Committee and the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.
Open Education: The journey of affordability to inclusion | Amanda Coolidge
Description: Critical to sustaining Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Open Educational Resources (OER) in higher education (HE) is recognizing educators’ use/adaptation/creation of both. OEP/OER are supported when educators have academic freedom and security, yet few HE institutions in Canada/the U.S. recognize OEP/OER in tenure and promotion (T&P). We’ll address the recognition of OEP/OER in T&P, engage participants in breakout groups to discuss barriers, introduce the University of British Columbia’s incorporation of OEP/OER recognition in T&P, and consider how to make the case for OEP/OER credit in T&P. Participants will leave better equipped to further consider and advocate for recognition of OEP/OER in T&P at their own institutions.
Bio: Amanda Coolidge is an uninvited settler on the Esquimalt and Songhees Nation of of the Lək̓ʷəŋən (Lekwungen) Speaking Peoples. Amanda is the Director of Open Education at BCcampus in British Columbia, Canada. She leads the province's initiatives in open education from open textbooks to open pedagogy and with a team of nine other people who work across British Columbia to enhance access for students. Amanda has a Masters in educational technology and has had many years of experience as an instructional designer at various universities across Canada.
Amanda has worked in open education in Calgary, Alberta; Nairobi, Kenya and in British Columbia. When Amanda is not at work, she can often be found on the beaches and in the woods of British Columbia traveling with her family in their 32 foot fifth wheel RV. Amanda, her husband, and her son live in the RV seven months of the year and enjoy everything there is about the outdoors and the opportunity to explore across North America.
At COLTT, she will focus on impactful work in Open Education and DEI as well as the share a landmark addition of OER to faculty tenure and promotion evaluation at a BC Institution (University of British Columbia). Check out her keynote transcript, From Lost to Belonging, presented at the Open Education 2019 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
Micro-credentialing: Our next great academic and moral imperative (Micro cred | Badging track) | Don Fraser
Description: We live in a society that values credentials. Having them provides advantages--certain doors open, different conversations happen. You could argue that micro-credentials have always been around and used across society. Education is behind the curve in its adoption of micro-credentials as a way to signal skills and abilities, and it is hurting all learners, but especially new majority learners. It is time for education to take action, to credential learning and skills more frequently, more discreetly and invest in the future of micro-credentials.
Bio: As Education Design Lab’s Chief Program Officer, Don is responsible for driving and coordinating the Lab’s design challenge initiatives and building the Lab’s reputation for unique success in human-centered field testing for equitable postsecondary and workforce solutions. Don is a thought and accountability partner for our education designers, helping them meet their goals, push innovation and architecture in our design processes.
Don’s portfolio also includes providing strategic direction for the Lab’s micro-credentialing team, specifically the Lab’s vsbl platform to deliver their dynamic 21st century skills framework and digital badges, which he helped design in his previous role at the Lab.
As CPO, Don is instrumental in identifying strategic partners to amplify the Lab’s design and micro-credentialing work and associated products. In addition, Don is responsible for funder deliverables, media dissemination campaigns and success outcomes.
Don's session, Micro-credentialing: Our Next Great Academic and Moral Imperative, will challenge COLTT attendees to consider design as a top priority at any stage of micro-credentials and badging development.This session is sponsored by Participate.
WEDNESDAY, August 4, 2021
Crazed Podcast Day 1 with Matt Vogl & Debra Boeldz | 8:00 - 8:55 AM

Kick off both conference days by listening live to special COLTT episodes of the Crazed podcast. Crazed is produced by the National Mental Health Innovation Center at CU Anschutz and hosted by Matt Vogl and Debra Boeldz. The Center's mission is to find, develop and put into practice big new ideas to change the way people approach and think about mental health!
On this episode, Matt and Debra welcome Skip Rizzo, director of the Center for Creative Technologies at USC, where he has led the world in developing tech based tools such as VR, AI, interactive chat-bots etc. to treat conditions like PTSD and sexual trauma. The discussion will focus on his cutting edge work on using technology to enhance education and simulate real-world environments to help people practice improving diagnoses and having difficult conversations with patients.
Session 1 (50 min) | 9:00 - 9:50 AM
Ungrading: Supporting student learning by grading less | Joni Dunlap
Let’s talk trash: Strategies for creating non-disposable assignments (OER track) | Nicole Jobin
Mindful feedback: Contemplative strategies and student belonging | Dawn Colley
Session 2 (20 min) | 10:00 - 10:20 AM
Faculty development program to enhance belonging | Allison O'Grady
A how-to guide: Transitioning skill-based assessments to the online platform | Sara Wettergreen
Quick checks for inclusively designed academic materials | Catherine Stager
Session 3 (20 min) | 10:30 - 10:50 AM
Building community and fostering success by recognizing student type | Margaret Carmack
o Learning to read the online classroom.
o Developing instructional strategies based on what is seen in the classroom
o Keeping students engaged in the online classroom.
Improve reading by giving the reader control over the formatting of the text | Adobe | Rick Treitman
PLENARY SESSION | 11:00 AM - 11:50 PM
Student leadership discussion | Congressman Joe Neguse
Lunch Discussion (50 min) | 12:00 - 12:50 PM
Plenary lunch discussion | Congressman Joe Neguse
Accessibility & UDL: Unifying efforts in a resource constrained system | Brad Grabham
Session 4 (50 min) | 1:00 - 1:50 PM
Teaching with empathy | Dr. Trish Elley
Micro-credentialing: Our next great academic and moral imperative (Micro cred | Badging track) | Don Fraser
UCCS Writing Program’s Journey Implementing Multimodal Formats | Jarret Krone
Session 5 (50 min) | 2:00 - 2:50 PM
Get hands-on with hubs: Explore, create, and get immersed with virtual spaces! | Karen Crouch
Avoid boring and repetitive “discussions” and put some joy back into teaching and learning | Brian Verdine, Ph.D
Landscape across Colorado panel discussion: CCCS, DU, Arapahoe CC (Micro cred | Badging track) | Noah Geisel, Mike Macklin, Bianca Kumar, & Eric Dunker
There are various Colorado organizations at myriad stages of implementing microcredentials. This non-exhaustive survey of our state’s landscape includes stakeholders ranging from people experiencing the incubation stages to those iterating on their second and third efforts. The panel will seek to reflect on best practices learned both the easy and hard ways, as well as explore questions few think to ask but all of us ought to. Live participants will be encouraged to submit questions at the start of the session and the majority of our time together will focus panelists on responding to the learning needs of participants.
Session 6 (50 min) | 3:00 - 3:50 PM
Adapt, pivot, straddle, stretch, teach! | Michelle Colarelli
Digital MD: Social media and digital scholarship in medicine | Vincent Fu
Badge'splaining: 3 lessons learned with CU Boulder registrar (Micro cred | Badging track) | Kristi Wold-McCormick
CU Boulder began exploring micro-credentials at a centralized, organizational level nearly three years ago and was able to share at last year’s COLTT that the effort had received Financial Futures funding that would allow the work to grow the support of a full-time Micro-credentials Program Manager. This has afforded CU Boulder to move quickly from ideation to full-scale implementation, recently launching a proposal process open to for-credit and non-credit micro-credentials that may be proposed by both academic and non-academic units. In this rapid fire session, University Registrar Kristi Wold-McCormick is joined by the Micro-credentials Program Manager Noah Geisel to reflect on 3 big lessons learned so far on Boulder’s micro-credentials journey.
THURSDAY August 5, 2021
Crazed Podcast Day 2 Matt Vogl & Debra Boeldz | 8:00 - 8:55 AM
Kick off both conference days by listening live to special COLTT episodes of the Crazed podcast. Crazed is produced by the National Mental Health Innovation Center at CU Anschutz and hosted by Matt Vogl and Debra Boeldz. The Center's mission is to find, develop and put into practice big new ideas to change the way people approach and think about mental health!
Listen in on an enlightening interview with two undergraduate interns at the National Mental Health Innovation Center, Zach Smith and Alex Smith. Alex and Zach will be discussing the mental health impacts of covid looking forward, not backwards. They will be talking about the anxiety of returning to in-person classes, learning to be social again, and how lingering uncertainty and fear may impact their well-being, social interactions and success as learners.
PLENARY SESSION | 9:00 - 9:50 AM
Open Education: The journey of affordability to inclusion | Amanda Coolidge
Session 1 (20 min) | 10:00 - 10:20 AM
OER: To the textbook and beyond! (OER track) | David Bourne
Deconstructing discussion boards: A design sprint! | Rebecca Cottrell
You’ll be working in small groups, taking on the task of deconstructing our use of discussion boards and designing an innovative solution in just 10 minutes! You’ll collaborate with other colleagues to share expertise and integrate creative thinking as we attempt to beat the clock and develop online activities that are inclusive and engaging! This session will model the use of Design Justice Principles.
Esports in Colorado Higher Education - More than just a game | Danielle Rourke, Senior Higher Education Strategist - Dell Technologies
Session 2 (50 min) | 10:30 - 11:20 AM
Being the first: Experiences of OER early adopters/creators (OER track) | Steel Wagstaff
This panel will feature faculty members who heavily adapted existing OER or created a resource from scratch, whether it be open textbook, ancillary material, or courseware.
Creating a sense of belonging with NameCoach | Neha Bandekar
Hostage negotiations for instructional designers | Cory Pavicich
As laid out by former FBI negotiator Chris Voss in his book, Never Split the Difference, this session adapts modern hostage negotiation techniques to resolve difficult learning design situations and drive creative discovery conversations.
This session will offer ample opportunities for attendees to use–or witness attendees’ use of–these techniques. Everyone is welcome, including non-learning designers. Both wallflowers and eager participants are encouraged to join.
Session 3 (20 min) | 11:30 - 11:50 AM
You need to unmute yourself: Video conferencing mishaps & comebacks | Amy Arnold
Session 3 Workshops (90 min) | 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM
Session 3 also incorporates two 90-minute workshops that begin at 11:30am and run through a 10 minute break and on through a 50 minute lunch.
Making it count: Recognizing open educational practices (OEP) and resources (OER) in promotion & tenure workshop | Amanda Coolidge
Making headlines, memes, & GIFs! Creative pedagogy and dynamic engagement workshop | Tre Wentling
Lunch Discussions (50 min) | 12:00 - 12:50 PM
Expert panel: Collaborative learning experience design across colleges | Sophia Strickfaden
Session 4 (20 min) | 1:00 - 1:20 PM
Driving student-centered collaboration with open-ended discussion at MITx | FeedbackFruits | Mozes Janse
Understanding the purpose of realistic classroom feedback | Dr. Derek Sedlack
A pedagogy of care in online learning | Nicolas Pares
Session 5 (50 min) | 1:30 - 2:20 PM
Open educational resources: An interactive workshop on OER SUCCESS strategies workshop | Lynnane George
Start by examining OER
Use OER repositories and rubrics to locate sources
Choose OER conducive to your teaching style
Customize by searching, evaluating, and adding OER
Educate students and colleagues about OER
Survey student engagement, achievement, and retention rates
Seek assistance from OER users and Commons
Adapting a hands-on, group-based lab course to an online format | Janet Casagrand
Cartooning as an effective tool for teaching experimental design | Aimee Bernard
Session 6 (20 min) | 2:30 - 2:50 PM
Is scalability enough? A deeper look at Inclusivity in online programs | Kaitlyn Rye
How to lead high-impact focus groups with students – virtually! | Genevieve Spering
Stick around to win some awesome prizes - must be present to win!
Leveraging power of co-creation to drive student-centered collaboration at MITx | Mozes Janse
Microsoft Word – I didn’t know Word could do that! | Catherine Stager
We are lucky to have YOU! Messages to foster a sense of belonging in class. | Sara Avila
Using VR to create content for the classroom | Dan Tinianow
Creating a manipulatable activity for small group, online breakout discussion | Janet Casagrand
Emotional response VR avatars for communication training | Clint Carlson
Identity journey maps: A geospatial road trip of math content identity | Dennis DeBay
Assessing student perception and program need on higher education environment | Rezwanul Parvez
3-2-1 Exit tickets go Online | Alpna Bhatia
Lessons learned: 5 ways to improve our Post-Covid teaching | Len Scrogan
The dreaded peer reviews | Alpna Bhatia
Video teaching assignments to promote deeper learning | Robert Flaherty
How did you do that? Using interactive tech to teach clinical skills online | Kristine Gauthier
Keeping students (and instructors) on task with Microsoft To Do | Dan Tinianow
Technology and laboratory resources in the library | Mozhdeh Saffari-Parizi
Campus web accessibility: Exploring accessibility, inclusion & belonging | Marisha Manfre
Student choice, voice, and ownership in the online classroom | Chelsie Ruge
Canvas inspiration to incorporate inclusive and accessible design | Amisha Singh
The role of digitial literacy in STEM education | Hillary Diane Andales | Adobe
Everything video using Kaltura across campus | James Vlisides | Kaltura
COLTT 2021 Sponsors