(A) The faculty shall form a Faculty Senate for the purpose of faculty participation in shared governance and other activities deemed important by the faculty.
(1) The university president shall be the president of the Faculty Senate.
(2) Faculty Senate membership shall be defined in the Faculty Senate constitution. Voting membership shall include those members who have a faculty appointment of 0.5 FTE or greater.
(B) The Faculty Senate constitution shall provide a system for participation of faculty in the governance of the university.
(C) On specific matters of shared governance, the Faculty Senate shall assign a spokesperson to address the Board of Regents.
(D) Consistent with the governance responsibilities articulated in regent policy 4.A, each school/college/library shall have a faculty governance body. The structure and operating rules shall be determined by the school/college/library faculty.
Faculty Senate Meetings
Faculty Senate meets semi-annually, generally in October and April, and all members of the Faculty Senate can attend (faculty appointment of .5 FTE or greater).
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Zoom Video Conference and CU System 1800 Grant St, Denver CO, 80201 | First Floor Conference Room
Faculty Senate consists of one standing committee: Faculty Senate Grievance Committee (formerly known as Privilege & Tenure)
The chair of Faculty Council shall be the vice president of the Faculty Senate. Faculty Council is the representative governing body of the Faculty Senate.