Faculty Council & Committee Eligibility
In order to be eligible for appointment to Faculty Council Representative At Large and/or Faculty Council committee member, you must be a member of the Faculty Senate.
Each campus Faculty Assembly is responsible for electing and appointing two to three Faculty Senate members to be Faculty Council representatives at large and/or standing committee members.
Terms of Faculty Council representatives at large and committee members are three years, with renewal possible for an additional three-year term. At least one year without membership must follow each pair of three-year terms. Ideally, terms are staggered so that members' terms don't end at the same time.
If you are eligible and have an interest in serving on Faculty Council, current or upcoming vacancies for Faculty Council representatives at large and/or committees can be found on membership rosters posted on:
- Faculty Council Members page - click on the tab for "Representatives at Large"
- Committee webpages
Get Involved
Join a Committee! Members of the faculty senate, both IRC and T/TT can participate in FC committees. Contact the President of your Campus Faculty Assembly to see if there are vacancies, and check the FC Committee web pages.
Anschutz needs: 2 for Budget and Finance; 1 for Communications; 1 for CREE; 1 for the Women’s Committee.
Denver needs: 1 for Communications; 1 for CREE; 1 for Personnel and 2 for the Women’s Committee
UCCS needs: 1 for Communications; 1 for CREE; 1 for LGBTQ+; and 1 for Personnel and Benefit
You must contact your respective Faculty Assembly for election and appointment request.
Members of Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate Constitution Article I.A.2.a.
The Faculty Senate consists of all members of the general faculty with the following titles whose appointments are fifty-percent or more:
- professor
- associate professor
- assistant professor
- senior instructor
- instructor
- scholar in residence and artist in residence.
Adjoint, attendant, clinical, and research faculty with fifty-percent or more appointments in the above ranks are also members of the Faculty Senate.
Faculty Assembly Appointments
Each campus Faculty Assembly has its own process for nominations and elections to the Faculty Council and its committees. Contact your respective campus Faculty Assembly if interested in getting involved.
CU Anschutz Faculty Assembly
Contact the Anschutz Faculty Assembly Chair, Vice Chair, and/or Administrative Coordinator listed on the website under Executive Committee.
CU Boulder Faculty Assembly
Contact the Boulder Faculty Assembly sharing your interest in getting involved. bfa@colorado.edu
The full process is outlined below:
- Call for committee seat vacancies are announced to Boulder faculty in mid-September which is the month that Boulder Faculty Assembly (BFA) committee seat elections are held. Nominations are sent to: bfa@colorado.edu . The BFA office coordinates all nominations with the BFA Secretary and the FC office. Nominees are required to confirm a nomination or send in a self-nomination.
- The BFA Executive Committee will approve all nominees and elect winners for any contested seat vacancies. This process will be completed between September 20-30 (aiming for the earliest possible date).
- The next BFA election cycle is in mid-February to mid-March for BFA At-Large Representative seats. The BFA will advertise any seat vacancies that have occurred mid-year for FC at this time.
- Outside of these times, if a committee has a Boulder nominee they would like approved at any point during the year, please email to bfa@colorado.edu asking for that.
- Appointment results will be emailed to the Faculty Council Administrator, the BFA Secretary, and the related committee chair(s).
CU Colorado Springs Faculty Assembly
Contact Colorado Springs Faculty Assembly President, President Elect & Secretary listed on the website.
CU Denver Faculty Assembly
Contact Denver Faculty Assembly Chair, Vice-Chair & Secretary listed on the website under Executive Committee.