Submitted By
Darlene Crow,, DATC & ISSM Application Manager, University Information Services
Project Team
Darlene Crow,, DATC & ISSM Application Manager, University Information Services
Siva Jaligama,, Degree Audit Technical Lead, University Information Services
Joseph Ciecior,, Associate Director, Student IT Services, University Information Services
Brian Schaeffer,, Senior Business Systems Analyst, University Information Services
Kimberly Diawara,, Senior Assistant Director, Operations, Office of Admissions
Phillip Jones, Enterprise Content Services Business System Analyst, University Information Services
Project Description
UIS created a brand-new custom process to consume digital transcripts (in the XML format) sent from other institutions across the country to automate the data entry of the transfer credit contained within CU’s Degree Audit and Transfer Credit system for transfer evaluation.
Project Efficiency
Prior to this work, CU fully relied on PDF or paper transcripts where data was manually entered onto student records, taking an average of 15 minutes per transcript. By automating the process with electronic XML transcripts, CU has been able to increase accuracy, and expedite transcript processing allowing for timely transfer evaluations.
Project Inspiration
CU has been looking for ways to decrease the amount of time it takes to provide transfer evaluations to prospective transfer students, while also increasing the accuracy of those evaluations. We have seen a national trend, with an ever-increasing number of institutions, providing XML transcripts for their students. Coupled with our confidence to create something to consume them, led us to take this on. Additionally, the vendor quoted CU $21,500 annually to provide something similar, that we have been able to avoid.
Future Plans
Expand to accept and process EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) formatted transcripts.
What Makes You Happiest about this Project?
The development was completed fully in-house, with CU resources. There was no roadmap or other partner institution to learn from. Despite these obstacles, the automation has been in place and seamlessly providing benefits since we went live.