February 4, 2013


Responsible for maintaining fiscal role assignments? Try m-Fin FISCAL ROLES. It’s a new alternative to old Cognos Look Ups > Fiscal Roles Look Up report. Here is what the m-Fin report has that the old report does not:

SPD FSTAFF ROLE CODE. This is the A, R, or B indicator on speedtype fiscal staff (Approver, Reviewer, Both).
Fiscal role selection. Only interested in certain fiscal roles? Pick the ones you want.
Project accountant. This is not a full-fledged fiscal role but is similarly maintained, so m-Fin includes it.
Orgnode fiscal roles.
Page by fiscal role. Each fiscal role gets its own worksheet tab when viewed in MSExcel 2007 or 2002 format.
Run for multiple orgs.
Run for orgnode.
Run for position number.

This report is available now for you to try in Cognos QA, in the Look Ups subfolder. [15 Feb 2013 migrated to production.]  If you have other windows open to Cognos production you may need to close them.