Special Event to Thank CPE Instructors
On Fri, April 26, the OUC hosted its first annual CPE Instructor Appreciation Event. This year’s celebration honors the 19 current instructors in the CU CPE for CPAs (Continuing Professional Education for Certified Public Accountants) Program.
Lisa Suzanne Vallad, CPE Program Manager, reviewed CPE statistics, program success to date, and plans for FY2014. She commended the instructors for their continued high evaluations and noted that framed certificates of appreciation would be sent to them shortly.
Normandy Roden, Director of Finance & Procurement Business Services, reviewed the origins of the program as envisioned by Assistant Vice President/University Controller Robert Kuehler. Although unable to attend, CU System Associate Vice President & Chief Business Officer Geoff Barsch conveyed his personal appreciation to the instructors for keeping CU staff current.
A big THANK YOU to all our instructors for their outstanding service.