Leslie Nittoli discusses “Stepping Stones to Success” at CU Women Succeeding Symposium
The 11th Annual Professional Development Symposium, CU Women Succeeding, was held on the Boulder Campus in February. There, our FinPro Help Desk Manager, Leslie Nittoli, joined R L Widmann and Viktoriya Oliynyk (both of UCB) in facilitating an interactive session on “the value of sharing stories of our professional journey.” The lively presentation was enhanced by music and small-group breakouts. A fun touch: the colorful and informational name tag-placards completed and worn by all participants.
To review this year’s symposium, check out the website: www.cu.edu/FacultyCouncil/womens-symposium/index.html.
We encourage our readers to watch for announcements of next year’s event. Sponsored by the CU Faculty Council Women’s Committee, the annual symposium offers two days of learning, networking, and celebrating … and is free for all members of the CU community.
Congratulations, Leslie, on a great session!