[button url="https://www.cu.edu/coltt/forms/coltt-proposal-form-2017" size="medium"]Proposal Form [button url="http://www.cu.edu/coltt/types-and-levels-sessions" size="medium"]Session Types [button url="http://www.cu.edu/coltt/suggested-session-topics" size="medium"]Suggested Session Topics [button url="http://www.cu.edu/coltt/faqs-proposal-submissions" size="medium"]FAQs
Q. What will you ask for when I submit a proposal?
A. We ask for the following:
- Contact Information
- Session Type and Topic
- Session Leader Biographies: Include a short (50 words or less) biography, addressing your qualifications for leading the proposed session and written in the third person. If the session will have up to three session leaders, provide a bio for each. If the session will have more than three session leaders, provide a bio for the primary leader and a general description of the remaining team members.
- Session Title: Many people decide to go to a session based on title alone. Please provide a descriptive session title that is pithy, catchy, and accurately reflects the content of the session (people complain when it doesn’t!).
- Abstract: In 125 words or less, please provide a brief and accurate description of the session and what participants will enjoy. This will be included in the conference session listing.
- Learning Objectives: Provide up to three takeaways for session participants.
- Audience Engagement: Describe the elements of engagement you will include in your session (e.g., discussion, activities, student response systems, question and answer period, etc.), especially if your session is primarily a panel or uses a lecture format. Q&A at the end of your session does not count as adequate engagement.
- Description (required for Hands-On Workshops): Use this space (200 words or less) is available for further explanation. Include specific requirements, such as laptop or software downloads or skill-set prerequisites. Hands-on workshop proposals also need to include an outline of time management.
Q: How long are sessions? or How much time will I have for a session?
A. Session lengths vary by type and are indicated on the session types page and the call for proposals. Please note: certain sessions may be 35 OR 50 minutes in length, subject to program committee decisions and scheduling logistics.
Q: What if I get started on the proposal form and cannot finish it in one sitting?
A. We recommend that you prepare your responses in a separate document and copy/paste them into the submission form once the information is fully prepared. It is not possible to save and exit the proposal form.
Q: How do I make my proposal competitive?
A. More than anything else: be accurate! The number one complaint we hear from attendees is when the session abstract or title do not match the session content. Also - be sure to select the session type that best matches your content and delivery method. Is your content new? Are you digitally aware? Are you using innovative practices? Can you back up what you say with research? After that: we're looking for passion, excellent grammar, and a session that sounds engaging and interesting to us will be well-received.
Q: What does an effective COLTT proposal include?
A. Evidence that the session demonstrates a clear link between learning, teaching and technology. A clear statement about what participants will learn during the session and, how they will be actively engaged throughout the session. Information about actionable outcomes, such as practices that can be brought back to home institutions, or demonstrated outcomes of an idea or practice.
Q: What happens after I submit my proposal?
A. You will see a confirmation screen after you submit your proposal and receive a confirmation email. The program committee will review all proposals during the month of April. Session leaders will be notified via email by the end of May regarding the status of their proposals. Session leaders whose proposals are accepted will need to register and pay by the early registration deadline, July 23 at 11:59 p.m., in order to hold their place in the program.
Q: What technology does COLTT provide?
A. COLTT provides a projector and standard cable, basic classroom tech support and wireless connectivity in each session room. We regret that we cannot provide instructor stations or laptops, flashdrives, or Mac projector DVI connectors/cables. COLTT 2017 is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) event for all.
Please send additional questions: coltt@cu.edu